

Eligibility for 多语言服务


Does your child mostly speak a language other than English?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, your child might be eligible for 多语言服务. 在正规的棋牌平台排行榜,它被称为英语学习者/多语言学习者(EL/ML)服务.

什么是EL/ML服务? When your child receives EL/ML Services, it means that during instruction, their teacher(s) provide(s) sensory, 图形, 互动, and emotional support within the classroom. 这有助于您的孩子更有效地学习年级水平的主题和英语语言.

Family Guide: Eligibility for 多语言服务 in SPS

Step 1: Enroll at SPS and Submit a Home Language Survey

Becoming eligible for EL/ML Services begins at enrollment.

Families can enroll students 在线 or 面对面 at John Stanford with 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Services (第三大道2445号 西雅图,华盛顿州98134). Students are assigned to their neighborhood school based on their home address.

When a child enrolls in a 华盛顿 State school, 家庭填写家庭语言调查作为在线注册过程的一部分.

Step 2: WIDA Screener Assessment

如果家庭认为英语以外的语言是学生在家里第一次说或理解或最常使用的语言, 学生将在10天内接受英语语言能力筛选,也称为WIDA筛选. The screener assesses listening, 说话, 阅读, 和写作 skills. WIDA筛查将由孩子所在学校的一名工作人员管理.

Step 3: Determining Eligibility for EL/ML Services

WIDA Screener results will determine the student’s eligibility for EL/ML services.


To be eligible for EL/ML services, the students must score 下面 每个领域(听、说、读、写)的最低分数和综合分数.

Parents will be 不ified by email if their child qualifies for EL/ML services. 一旦符合条件,学生将开始在他们的社区学校接受EL/ML服务.

幼稚园(至十二月). 31)5(听力和口语)5(口语)
幼儿园(1月开始). 1)4(所有领域)4.5(整体)
2 nd-12th年级4(所有领域)5(整体)
在12月底之前,幼儿园只对听力和口语进行评估. 1月开始, Kindergarten will be assessed in all four domains: listening, 说话, 阅读, 和写作.

Step 4: Family Notification (accept or waive services)

多语种部将通知学生家庭他们的学生是否有资格获得英语/语言学习服务. Pictured 下面 is an example of a family 不ification letter.

picture of parent 不ification letter

Parents/guardians who wish to accept EL/ML services for their student(s), do 不 need to do anything else at this point. 学生将接受EL/ML服务,直到他们在年度WIDA ACCESS评估中获得熟练分数.

家长/监护人有权放弃(拒绝)为学生提供EL/ML服务。. Waiving services means that the student will 接收EL/ML服务. 然而, 华盛顿州要求学生继续参加年度WIDA ACCESS评估,直到学生得分熟练.

How to Waive (Reject) EL/ML Services

如果家长/监护人希望放弃或拒绝为其学生提供EL/ML服务, they can request a waiver form from their child’s school, 填写表格, and return it to the school.

Parents Who Previously Waived (Rejected Services Can Request EL/ML Services

If you initially waived or rejected services for your student(s), then later decide to accept EL/ML services, you can email the ML Department at WIDASPS@sceduc.net to request for your child to 接收EL/ML服务 again.



All 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 can provide EL/ML services, regardless of the English language proficiency levels of multilingual students.

新来的人 或新英语

如果符合以下条件,多语言学生被归类为英语新手或英语新手 都没错,

  • the multilingual student has been in U.S. schools for less than one year and
  • the multilingual student’s WIDA Screener score in each domain is 1.

If the WIDA Screener scores and the student’s attendance in U.S. schools identify the multilingual student as a 新comer or 新 to English, the Central Office ML Department offers the student/family three placement 选项.

家长/监护人有权为他们的学生选择就读社区学校. All schools in 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 can provide EL/ML Services 所有符合条件的多语种学生,无论英语水平如何.

一个多语种的学生,如果被认定为新来者或英语新手,可以从他们的社区学校转到新来者网站一个学期, then transitioned back to their neighborhood school. 目前,正规的棋牌平台排行榜只有三个新移民小学教学点: 詹姆斯·鲍德温 小学 School (西北地区), 霍桑小学 (东南地区),和 邓拉普小学 (SE区域). 西雅图世界学校 (Central region) is the only secondary Newcomer site. There is no Newcomer site in the NE or SW region. 

幼儿园小朋友 那些有资格成为英语新来者或英语新手的人被分配到他们的社区学校和 are 不 eligible 参加新来者网站 if they enroll in 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 在第一学期.

幼儿园 who qualify as 新comers or 新 to English and are 在第二学期或12月和1月期间进入学区的学生符合条件 参加新来者网站.  

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 has International 学校 at the elementary, 中间, and high school levels offering 双语教育 in Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin. If the student speaks one of these languages, 中央办事处外语部为家庭提供申请/申诉双语浸入式学校的信息/支持.


我的学生退出了EL/ML服务,但老师说他们在学校继续挣扎,想重新获得EL/ML服务的资格. 老师能做到吗?

No. 然而, 退出课程的学生必须在退出课程后接受两年的监控,并为其学业成长和成功提供必要的适当支持.

多语种的学生, as general education students first, 是否应该有有意义的核心课程,并在适当的支持下,能够充分参与学校的标准教学计划.

I think my child may be eligible for EL/ML services but was never tested. 我可以要求对我的孩子进行评估,看他/她是否有资格获得EL/ML服务吗?

是的. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Complete a 新 Home Language Survey
    • You can request a Home Language survey from your child’s school.
    • 学生不能接受英语/ML服务测试,除非家庭语言调查表明 学生第一次说/理解或最常使用的语言是英语以外的语言.
  2. 提交填妥的 Home Language Survey to your child’s school.
  3. The student will be added to the list of 新 students to be screened.
  4. 学校WIDA筛选测试管理员可以评估学生以确定他们的资格
    • 记住: The WIDA Screener scores determine the student’s eligibility for EL/ML services. 家长有权选择他们认为最适合学生的实习。.

For students to exit from EL/ML services in 华盛顿 state, they must reach these levels on the WIDA ACCESS, 年度评估:

  • Kindergarten-1st grade students must score 4.0的整体
  • 2nd-12th grade students must score 4.7整体
    • 第3 - 12名得4分.3-4.如果他们在州要求的SBA ELA内容评估中也获得3或4分,那么WIDA ACCESS测试中的6分可以退出EL服务

在年度评估中得分为熟练的学生将不会在下一学年继续接受EL/ML服务. Students will be monitored for two years to ensure they are meeting standards.

每年, 接受EL/ML服务的学生使用WIDA ACCESS来衡量他们的英语知识和技能. 该考试衡量学生在我们地区和整个州学习英语的学术英语语言能力.

The test will 不 affect your child’s grades, 但它可以帮助你确定你的孩子是否会继续在学校的英语语言发展项目. 我们学校的老师使用这些信息来帮助他们决定如何指导你的孩子. 老师也会用这些考试成绩来监测你的孩子在英语水平上的进步.

Your child does 不 need to study for this test. 该测试是学生展示他们理解和能用英语交流的机会.

考试将在每年2月至3月的上学日进行. Please contact your child’s school for more information.

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